to Use Speed Motorsport News
This site
has been designed to be as easy to use as possible.
That means that we've kept the layout simple, so that
there isn't too much to distract the eye when you're
reading the articles and viewing the pictures, and
the added advantage is that Speed's pages will load
there are a few aids in Speed which are designed to
make navigation through the site easier and quicker
than it might otherwise be.
As long
as you have graphics switched on in your browser (and
we recommend that you do) then you will see a set of
icons at the top of the page. They're at the top of
this page, in fact, although sometimes you'll find
that not all the possible icons are on display. In a
current browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer
3, you'll find that moving your mouse pointer over
one of these icons will show a tip which provides a
brief description as to what the icon is about.
a brief rundown on the icons :






here will take you to Speed's 'Home' page. That
is, the first page that you would normally arrive
at in this site.
contents of Speed Motorsport News are described
in full at the Contents page. A full site
contents page is also available.
icon will take you here! If you need to remind
yourself of what certain things do on the site
then click here.
on this icon will take you back one page in a
series of linked pages. If, say, we've split an
article over several pages then you can always
move back through the article by clicking here.
to get back to the previous menu? Well this is
the button to press.
used at the top of a page, this icon will take
you to the next relevant page. If it's used
elsewhere on a page it simply indicates a link.
this page is directly linked from the main Home page.
If you go to the top you'll see the 'Top' icon. Click
on it and you'll go to the home page. If you want to
see the contents page, then simply click on the C.
are also other types of links:
Within the text of a document you'll find
that some words are underlined. A story about a race
might include something about the McLaren, for
instance. If it's underlined then it can be clicked
on and it will take you to a relevant page. Click on
this hyperlink to McLaren to see our story about
McLaren's 1997 launch. If you then want to get back
to the page you came from, don't press the Speed
'Back' icon, but use your browser's 'Back' button.
links: At the bottom of each document you'll
find a link or two. One will always be a 'Top' type
of link, but the rest will take you to pages of
interest that are relevant to the current page you're
looking at. These won't always be links within Speed,
but may take you out to a web site of particular
interest. You can always return to Speed by using
your browser's 'Back' button, or the history
facility. At times you'll also find that Interest
links appear in the left hand column of a page.
links: Now and then you'll see e-mail
addresses which are underlined. Click on the e-mail
address and your browser should offer you the option
of sending an e-mail to this address.
Table of Contents: We maintain a full table
of contents on Speed. It's available from the home page, the contents page, or by clicking here!
On some systems, the typeface specified
within Speed may make it look a little on the small
side. However, on others it might look just perfect.
To allow for this, most browsers will allow you to
specify the font sizes available. You'll usually find
a button to cycle through the font sizes on your
browser's toolbar. If not, then try the 'preferences'
available from the browser menus. If you are still in
doubt, then consult your browser's help file or
recommend that if your browser supports fonts, then
your system should have Arial (Helvetica) and
Garamond in order to make the most of the visual
design used in Speed.
You may find that Speed isn't as easy to use
as we think it is! If this is the case, then e-mail
us at
If you like Speed, then we'd also like to
hear from you! Again, e-mail to Whichever way, we want to know
your views. They're important.
Without feedback we can't possibly get a feel for
what turns you on.
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